What is the meaning of NASA’s meatball insignia?
The round red, white and blue insignia, nicknamed the "meatball," was designed by employee James Modarelli in 1959, NASA’s second year. The design incorporates references to different aspects of the mission of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. The round shape of the insignia represents a planet. The stars represent space.
nasa 5009
What are the NDE requirements under NASA-std-5019?
NASA-STD-5019 requires that all fracture-critical parts shall be subjected to NDE and/or proof testing to screen for internal and external cracks. 4.1 NDE Procedures, Standards, and Methods
nasa 747 sofia
Who modified the Boeing 747SP Sofia?
The Boeing 747SP that is SOFIA underwent extensive modifications by L-3 Integrated Systems in Waco, Texas, from 1998 to 2007. L-3 Integrated Systems was responsible for the aircraft’s modifications including design engineering, airframe structual modifications, telescope design integration, and flight test activities.
nasa 7123
What is NPR 7120 NASA?
NPR 7120.5, NASA Space Flight Program and Project Management Requirements; NPD 7120.4, Program/Project Management; and other NASA directives define the responsibilities of program and project managers. This NPR establishes systems engineering processes and responsibilities.
nasa 7
What was NASA Astronaut Group 7?
NASA Astronaut Group 7 was a group of seven astronauts accepted by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) on August 14, 1969. It was the last group to be selected during the Project Apollo era, and the first since the Mercury Seven in which all members were active-duty military personnel, and all made flights into space.
nasa 80s
What did NASA do in 1980?
NASA Lewis goes for major roles in mainstream programs. New programs include the space station power system, the Shuttle/Centaur upper-stage vehicle, and the Advanced Communications Technology Satellite (ACTS). 1980 – Dedication of the Research Analysis Center (RAC).
nasa 99 speed of light
Can a rocket travel at 99% the speed of light?
NASA just announced that their new rocket engine could travel at 99 percent the speed of light. If this is true, a new era of space travel has begun. The speed of light is primarily used as the most preferred unit to measure distance in space.
nasa 7123
What happened to NPR 7123?
NPR 7123.1, NASA Systems Engineering Processes and Requirements, dated March 13, 2006, is cancelled on the effective date of NPR 7123.1A. Christopher J. Scolese
nasa 747 sofia
What is a SOFIA aircraft?
The SOFIA aircraft is a Boeing 747SP with a distinguished history. It was originally acquired by Pan American World Airways and was delivered in May 1977. The "SP" designates that this is a special performance, short-body version of the 747, designed for longer flights than the Boeing 747 Classics (747-100, -200, and -300 series jetliners).
nasa 7
What was the purpose of Apollo 7?
Apollo 7, launched on Oct. 11, 1968, was the first American crewed flight since Gemini 12. The mission was a test flight of the Apollo’s systems in Earth orbit to prepare for more ambitious missions leading up to the Moon landing. Apollo 7 | NASA