Isle of Wight (England) Several white flying saucer shaped objects were spotted hovering in the sky over the English island in September 2021. The incident was captured on a photo which was taken from Yarmouth Common on the Isle of Wight, of the view across the Solent. The UFOs (or UAPs) seen on the picture, appear to be all in similar shape and size. They also appear to be evenly spaced apart, aside of one in the top left corner. When enlarging the image of the discs, there appears to be a faint inner ring or raised center. This makes the unidentified objects look just like a classic UFO.
Photographer Vivien Gibson didn’t see the objects in the sky when she took the photo, she only noticed them after the photo was already taken. She has since been wondering what these objects could be and couldn’t find an explanation. She said: “I don’t know what these strange phenomena could be. It does look as though this has been tampered with but I can assure you they haven’t”.
As with all these sightings it is hard to explain what it actually was that is seen on the picture. Some people think the objects are real UFOs with extraterrestrial visitors, others think it might be secret government programs and of course the skeptics just put it off as some reflection, a weather balloon, image manipulation or natural phenomena.
Hello. always see ufo on the isle of wight ..have a pic of one ..how can I send it over
Thanks that would be great, you can send it to our email: info @ science-news.co
Also if you send us more details along with it, like when you saw it etc. would be awesome!