Medellin (Colombia) – UFO sightings have increased in the south American country in the past years. Many of such sightings have been cataloged and while some had a rational explanation, many of the events could not be explained.
A new video is circulating on the internet from July 2021, showing a strange object in the skies over Medellin. An eye witness took video footage of the object, which when zoomed in, reveals a strange looking craft that is just hoovering in the sky. It doesn’t look like any known aircraft nor a drone. There is also no visible propulsion system that can be seen on the craft.
The woman who filmed the video is clearly amazed by what she is seeing. In the video you can hear her say: “what is that? (…) is that real what i’m seeing? (…) it doesn’t move its just standing still (…) oh my god what is this?”.
Here you can see the original footage:
No media has so far reported on this incident and there is little other information to be found on the internet. However it is common that not every UFO report is being investigated by the mainstream media. In comments on social media, some people speculate that it might be just a kite or a secret government project, while many of the viewers seem to believe the footage is authentic and conclude that what is flying there is a genuine UFO (or UAP). After analyzing the recording (for example by inverting the image frames) no string was visible, so the kite theory is likely false.
could be a UFO could also be a drone disguised