Washington (USA) – In an interview the new NASA Director Bill Nelson answered questions about extraterrestrial life, extraterrestrial intelligence and also about the recent discussion about the Navy evidence for the existence of unidentified phenomena in the airspace (UAPs).
As part of a live interview by the Washington Post (WP) about the “new frontiers in space”, WP journalist David Ignatius also asked the new NASA Director Bill Nelson the following question:
“Part of the new fascination with space is also driven by a newly awakened interest, a new curiosity, but also seriousness about the possibility that we are visited by intelligences from outside our own solar system. The chief of US intelligence recently published a report on unidentified phenomena in the airspace (UFOs or UAP) and there will be further investigations into this. How do you yourself view the question of extraterrestrial life and what is NASA doing in this regard? “
First of all, Nelson goes out and explains the missions with which NASA is currently looking for life on Mars. He continues the plans for the search for life in the Venusian atmosphere and specifically on the ocean moons around the gas giants of our solar system and declares his confidence that where water is available under the necessary conditions, life also exists. “So we are already now (and in the near future) very aggressively looking for evidence of extraterrestrial life.”
He also takes a look at the new James-Webb Space Telescope, which is scheduled to be launched at the end of 2021. It will not only look back almost to the Big Bang and trying to discover distant earthy and earth-like planets, but also examine their atmospheres for indications of life.
When asked how NASA would respond should there one day be clear evidence that there is intelligent life beyond Earth, Nelson explains, “If we were to receive any form of intelligent life message, then I would suggest that our scientists should try to get in touch with these intelligences.
Without further inquiry, Nelson then bridges the gap to the UFO sightings by Navy pilots, which have led to a paradigm shift in reporting and acceptance of the UFO phenomenon: “Many people are fascinated by what Pilots have seen. During my tenure as a senator, I myself met some of these pilots in a classified interview and discussed their observations with them. These pilots know that they really saw something. These pilots followed these things. These pilots have located these things with their radar. Now even the public part of the UFO report shows more than 140 such sightings around the globe. So there is something about this. I don’t know what that is and I think that nobody really knows yet. I hope, however, that these are not our enemies. Because what our pilots are describing should really not be our enemy. Because if those are our enemies, then they really have very advanced technologies compared to us. “
You can watch the full interview here:
It is nice to see NASA becoming a means for public involvement in the possibility of intelligent life from outside of the solar system that is associated with the exploration of space. United States Navy pilots have been having encounters with Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon on a daily basis. The shift in attitude to accept alien visitation might extend to encounters in space becoming a regular occurrence. Humanity is one step closer to the potential for contact. Space is a mutual domain for the human race and these intelligence from other worlds.