Seoul (South Korea) Inductive charging systems for smartphones, smartwatches and other devices have enabled charging without a charging cable for several years....
Pilbara (Australia) The Fortescue Metals Group operates a fleet of 54 diesel locomotives in Australia, pulling 16 trains with up to 244...
The UK Wants to Build a Solar Power Plant in Space by 2035 That Transmits Electricity Back to Earth

2 min read
London (England) In its search for a climate-friendly energy supply, Great Britain is looking to space. Specifically, the British Space Energy Initiative...
Cambridge (England). Scientists from the University of Cambridge have teamed up with the company ARM to investigate whether you can power a...
Göteborg (Sweden) Researchers at Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg have developed a new compound of nitrogen, carbon and hydrogen that could...
Washington (USA) Scientists at the NRL (Naval Research Laboratory), a research facility of the United States Marine Corps and the United States...